Study Design

Innovative designs that will get you noticed

Research Question Development

We conduct an expert analysis of the research landscape in your field and create a list of important, timely, and feasible research questions (2-3) for your next project.

  • Quickly identify the most important gaps in your field
  • Find inspiration for your next big project
  • Get a head start with funding applications with a list of research questions and their rationales
Ask about Research Question Development

Price (USD) starting from: $3,025

Please provide us with: Your research area/themes, and/or your prior publication list (or your lab, group publications), and/or your areas of interest.Protocol

Research Question And Study
Concept Development

We develop an innovative study concept including a research plan overview, basic study design, as well as a potential target journal.

  • Develop a study highly likely to be accepted by the target journal.
  • Make an informed decision about investing time & money in your next project.
  • Make quick progress on exploring funding opportunities by clearly understanding what to investigate and how.
Ask about this service

Price (USD) starting from: $4,400

Please provide us with: Question/area/themes, and/or your prior publication list (or your lab, group publications), and/or your areas of interest

Study Rationale Development

We will develop a robust scientific rationale for your study. We will perform a literature review, describe the gap in the knowledge and how your study is going to fill it.

  • Can be used in funding applications
  • Can be used in protocol
  • Can be used to form the basis of a “Study design and Rationale” article.
Ask about Study rationale development

Price (USD) starting from: $2,750

Please provide us with: Research idea/theme, prior publication list

Synopsis Development

From your research question or study concept, we develop a synopsis that gives a full overview of the planned study.

  • Get all your stakeholders in agreement before moving in to full protocol development.
Ask about Synopsis development

Price (USD) starting from: $7,700

Please provide us with: Your research question, your prior publication list (or your lab, group publications).

Full Protocol Development
(Including Statistical Approach)

From your research question or study concept, we develop a full protocol including the study rationale, objectives, overall design, endpoints, sample size, inclusion and exclusion criteria, statistical analysis approach, stopping criteria, and data collection schedule.

  • Quickly move from an idea to research plan
  • Conduct a study highly likely to be accepted by the target journal
  • Use your protocol as a Registered Report or the basis for another manuscript publication.
Ask about Full Protocol Development

Price (USD) starting from: $22,000

Please provide us with: Your research question, your prior publication list (or your lab, group publications).

Expert Review Of Protocol

Our team will review your protocol to make sure it is as strong as possible before you start collecting data. You will get detailed comments about each section, including recommendations and rationale for changes.

  • Have extra confidence before you start with an independent, expert review of your plan
Ask about Expert Review Of Protocol

Price (USD) starting from: $3,300

Please provide us with: Your protocol