Based on your clinical or research question, we will assess the available data and develop a suitable meta-analysis approach to answer the question. We will consider the nature of the available data (continuous or binary; individual patient or aggregate data; heterogeneity; quality and risk of bias), which model (fixed effects or random effects) to apply, and what effect sizes (risk ratios and odds ratios) to consider. Presentation of results will also be considered.
Is there a topic in your field that warrants a systematic review? We can help you conceptualize, design and execute the review: search parameters, inclusion/exclusion criteria, sorting and filtering, providing assessments on the evidence quality level according to standardized scales. We can help summarise the literature according to thematic criteria, provide interpretation of what the body of evidence suggests, as well as speculate on what might be coming next.
Based on your idea for a meta analysis, we will develop the design and write up the protocol. Your protocol will follow PRISMA-P guidelines.
Our statistician(s) will pool the data and perform a traditional pairwise analysis according to your protocol to esimate treatment effect. We will produce the forest plots and funnel plots (publication bias).
Our statistician(s) can perform network meta analyses for an indirect comparison of interventions in accordance with your protocol and statistical analysis plan (with or without IPD). We will produce the network plots and funnel plots (publication bias).
Our statistician(s) can perform Bayesian analyses in accordance with your protocol and statistical analysis plan. We will produce the figures that suit the data, and the accompanying funnel plots (publication bias).