English Editing

English Editing

Make your manuscript flow and your research shine!

Clarity, organization, and flow of your manuscript are essential to successful scientific communication. Our experts work to ensure that your language is clear and easy to understand, while also adhering to the specific guidelines of the journal you are targeting. In addition, they can help you to organize and structure your manuscript in a way that is most likely to be well received by journal editors and result in faster publication.

Flawless, polished, natural English

Work done by a highly qualified native English expert in your field

Full transparency. Only Edanz gives you complete details of who worked on your manuscript

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Included in your edit:

  • Native English Editor who is an expert in your scientific field
  • Improve readability by editing for consistency, clarity, and conciseness
  • Check logic of sentences
  • Edit to guidelines (word limits, required headings, etc) of your target journal
  • Terminology check: ensure correct terminology is used
  • Figure, table, and reference editing
  • Advice from the editor about how to improve the manuscript
  • Free 2nd round of editing
  • Editor Q&A: ask questions and check with the expert about your edit
  • Edanz Editing Certificate

Service Workflow

Send us your files

And if you have an questions or instructions please include those too!

Work begins

Work is done according to your project requirements

Project Return

Log in to your account and you’ll find the files ready for you.

Follow Up

If you’ve got any questions or something adjusted, just let us know!

Quality Guarantee

English editing

We guarantee you will not be rejected because of poor language. In the rare case that a rejection does occur, we will re-edit your manuscript for resubmission at no charge.

Highest ethical

Edanz is an associate member of COPE, and we actively support the current industry standards in publication and research Ethics.

Customer service &
support all the way

Our knowledgeable Customer Service and Editorial Team are with you throughout the entire journey. You can contact us by email, live chat, or phone at any time.

Only native-English-speaking expert editors

Edanz experts are experienced researchers who are highly skilled in research communication and all have verified publication records. Meet some of our experts.

Security &

We take data confidentiality very seriously and our infrastructure, policies, and procedures reflect this. All our staff sign confidentiality agreements and follow a professional code of ethics to ensure the security of your valuable data.

Complete support for a full range
of academic and research documents including:

  • Grant Applications
  • Abstracts, posters, and slides
  • Job applications
  • Ethics applications and routine reports
  • Research reports for funding bodies, international collaborations, and other audiences
  • Annual reports, showcases, and other promotional material


Creative scientists ready to help


Only Edanz offers full transparency

27 Years

Supporting the research community

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who edits my manuscript?

Edanz is the only language editing service provider that provides complete transparency. Your manuscript will be edited by a native English speaker who is also an expert in your research field.

Our team consists of creative scientists and innovative researchers with extensive scientific editing experience and a proven track record of publication. They understand what it takes to get published and are committed to your success.

Our hiring process is the most stringent in the industry. We only accept about 3% of all applicants. This means you'll be working with the best experts, who have a unique combination of research expertise and publication experience.

How will my references be edited?

We will edit the reference list at the end of your document as follows:

  • Correct spelling and punctuation as per target journal instructions

  • Adjust typography (e.g., bold, italics) as per target journal instructions

  • Correct spacing, replace Asian characters, correct journal title style guide

  • Reduce the number of listed author names in references as per journal requirements

  • Correct the in-text citation style as per target journal instructions

How will my tables and figures be edited?

We will:

  • Check and correct the spelling/language of the text within the tables/figures and legends

  • Check that the style and formatting conform with the target journal's instructions for authors, or are consistent if there is no target journal

How much will it cost? Do you offer discounts?

  • To see the exact fee, click the 'Start Order' button and upload your file(s). Complete the order process if you're satisfied with the price, and we'll get to work.

  • You can get a 10% discount on your first order. Create an account to receive your coupon.

  • We also offer a 20% discount coupon each time you introduce a friend or colleague through our Referral Rewards program. Anyone you refer will also receive a 20% discount coupon they can use with their first order. You can find details in your My Account page.

Will you check that my manuscript meets the journal’s guidelines?

Yes, when we edit the manuscript, we will check the guidelines and make sure your manuscript is correct.

What should I send?

Please send us what you can. We don’t need everything but the more you
can share with us the easier it is for us to get started. Files can be attached during the order process.

Your manuscript

Figures & tables

Any journal editor or reviewer comments

Any other supporting documentation

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